超党派議連 離婚後も「共同養育」へ 法整備働きかけの方針確認 | NHKニュース


これを受けて、超党派の議員連盟は30日、国会内で会合を開き、会長を務める、馳 元文部科学大臣は、離婚したあとも父母が共に子育てに関わる「共同養育」の推進を目指す必要があるという考えを示しました。

— 読み進める www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200730/amp/k10012541821000.html

仕事のミスはそうしたくてしていないけれど、礼節をわきまえない態度や言動、ハラスメントは人間として改善してほしい。 会社はまずはそこを厳しく取り締まってほしい。



初めて知ったけど、なんだかすごく残念で悲しい:ClassAction社を退職します|牧野 佐千子(まきの・さちこ)|note

8月末をもちまして集団訴訟プラットフォームの運営会社「クラスアクション」を退職します。 「法律×IT リーガルテック」の現場を垣間見られて、とても勉強になった凝縮された4か月でした。 ただ、「表現の自由」「知る権利」「取材源の秘匿」「ジャーナリズム」の意味を理解する人がいないスタートアップの会社で、賛否が分かれるテーマの記事を書くのは不可能と判断しました。 一連の特集記事に関連して、外部からの圧力・嫌がらせ等でご迷惑をおかけしてしまった社内外の皆様、申し訳ありませんでした。 親子断絶、子供の連れ去り、共同親権についての取材は今後も続けていきます。 短い間でしたが、お世話にな
— 読み進める note.com/makiko5127/n/n70421042a075

“子の連れ去り”めぐる訴訟 国は争う姿勢|日テレNEWS24

— 読み進める www.news24.jp/sp/articles/2020/07/29/07690186.html

「専業主婦に憧れる女性」がドイツにいない理由 1977年まで「働く自由」なかった既婚女性たち(東洋経済オンライン) – goo ニュース

— 読み進める news.goo.ne.jp/article/toyokeizai/bizskills/toyokeizai-361433.html

夫婦別姓にするには戸籍法を変えないといけないのですね:第十六条婚姻の届出があつたときは、夫婦について新戸籍を編製する。但し、夫婦が、夫の氏を称する場合に夫、妻の氏を称する場合に妻が戸籍の筆頭に記載した者であるときは、この限りでない。 ○2前項但書の場合には、夫の氏を称する妻は、夫の戸籍に入り、妻の氏を称する夫は、妻の戸籍に入る。

the Japanese authorities to enforce international rules on child protection and to introduce changes to their legal system to allow for shared custody. | News | European Parliament

the Japanese authorities to enforce international rules on child protection and to introduce changes to their legal system to allow for shared custody.
— 読み進める www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20200706IPR82720/parliament-sounds-alarm-over-children-in-japan-taken-from-eu-parents

under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), every child has the right to maintain a personal relationship and direct contact with both their parents, unless it is contrary to their interests. | News | European Parliament

under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), every child has the right to maintain a personal relationship and direct contact with both their parents, unless it is contrary to their interests.
— 読み進める www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20200706IPR82720/parliament-sounds-alarm-over-children-in-japan-taken-from-eu-parents

必読: Parliament sounds alarm over children in Japan taken from EU parents | News | European Parliament

MEPs are concerned over the high number of parental child abduction cases due to the reluctance of Japanese authorities to comply with international law.
— 読み進める www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20200706IPR82720/parliament-sounds-alarm-over-children-in-japan-taken-from-eu-parents

Parliament sounds alarm over children in Japan taken from EU parents

Press Releases




  • Increasing number of unsolved child abduction cases where one parent is an EU national and the other Japanese
  • Japan is not complying with international rules on child protection
  • Shared custody not possible under Japanese law
  • Visiting rights of non-custodial parent limited or non-existent

MEPs are concerned over the high number of parental child abduction cases due to the reluctance of Japanese authorities to comply with international law.

In a resolution adopted on Wednesday with 686 votes in favour, 1 against and 8 abstentions, Parliament expressed its concerns over children’s wellbeing as a result of children in Japan being abducted by a parent. They call on the Japanese authorities to enforce international rules on child protection and to introduce changes to their legal system to allow for shared custody.

Enforcing international law

Parliament regrets that one of the EU’s strategic partners does not appear to be complying with international rules on child abduction. They urge the Japanese authorities to enforce domestic and foreign court decisions on the return of the child and on access and visiting rights after the parents’ relationship has ended, in order to bring their domestic laws in line with their international commitments and obligations.

MEPs underline that safeguarding the child’s best interest must be the primary concern and abduction cases must be handled swiftly to avoid long-term adverse consequences on the child and the future relationship with the non-custodial parent. They point out that under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), every child has the right to maintain a personal relationship and direct contact with both their parents, unless it is contrary to their interests.

Improve cross-border cooperation and information

Due to the cross-border nature of these legal disputes, Parliament insists that all child protection systems have transnational and cross-border mechanisms in place. They propose that in addition to the Hague Conference, citizen-friendly European information platforms should be developed to support parents in cross-border disputes. The text also recommends that reliable information on family law and children’s rights in non-EU countries like Japan should be made available, as well as difficulties that may arise in cases of divorce or separation.

Parliament calls for more international cooperation among member states and with third countries to implement international legislation on child protection. MEPs urge member states to inform citizens about the risk of child abduction in Japan. To further increase pressure on authorities, MEPs urge member states and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs to include the issue on the agenda of all bilateral and multilateral meetings with Japan.

Background information

Parliament has received a significant number of appeals in the past few years on cases of Japanese parental child abduction and visiting rights, where one of the parents is an EU citizen. Petitioners point out that international court decisions in Japan on the return of the child are not being enforced properly, as Japanese law lacks shared custody provisions.

The issue gained international attention in 2019 after German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte spoke with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on behalf of concerned parents. A formal complaint was also launched last year to the UN Human Rights Council by left-behind parents, arguing that Japan was violating the UNCRC and the Hague Convention.

必読: Japan urged to take action on parental child abduction

Japan urged to take action on parental child abduction
Updated / Wednesday, 8 Jul 2020 21:38

The issue of parental abduction by Japanese parents was raised by the German, French and Italian leaders with the Japanese PM last year

By Colm Ó Mongáin
The European Parliament has called on Japan to take steps to prevent the parental abduction of children.

In a motion passed by an overwhelming majority by the parliament today, MEPs expressed alarm over the well-being of children abducted by parents and brought to Japan.

In a statement following the vote, members said there was an increasing number of unsolved child abduction cases where one parent is an EU national and the other Japanese.

The strongly-worded statement said: “Parliament regrets that one of the EU’s strategic partners does not appear to be complying with international rules on child abduction.

“They urge the Japanese authorities to enforce domestic and foreign court decisions on the return of the child and on access and visiting rights after the parents’ relationship has ended, in order to bring their domestic laws in line with their international commitments and obligations.”

The statement also called on Japanese authorities “to enforce international rules on child protection and to introduce changes to their legal system to allow for shared custody”.

Shared custody is not possible under Japanese law.

The issue of parental abduction by Japanese parents was raised by the German, French and Italian leaders with the Japanese Prime Minister last year.

A formal complaint by parents has also been lodged at the UN.

The European Parliament has also called on the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs “to include the issue on the agenda of all bilateral and multilateral meetings with Japan”.
— 読み進める www.rte.ie/amp/1152173/

科学が証明した「離婚する人」「しない人」決定的な脳の違い(幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン) – Yahoo!ニュース

子を妬む母、愛し方が分からない父――「毒親」とも呼ばれる大人の姿。子が自分より優秀だと薄らぼんやり気づいてしまったそのとき、彼らは自身の子を「弱点」と捉え、否定してしまう。書籍『毒親 毒親育ちのあな
— 読み進める news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/4dd21d2fda12092a7326cf2ba4365336efa63f78

慈悲の瞑想 | 日本テーラワーダ仏教協会




— 読み進める j-theravada.net/world/metta/