
Universal Truth

天皇とその親族に、日本国憲法の基本的人権を! 天皇に人間としての尊厳を! 日本の伝統であるという天皇制には反対です。基本的人権に例外規定を設けてはいけません。

天皇とその親族に、日本国憲法の基本的人権を! 天皇に人間としての尊厳を! 日本の伝統であるという天皇制には反対です。基本的人権に例外規定を設けてはいけません。




世界各国の2020年の「超過死亡」:続々・たそがれ日記:SSブログ (

なぜ国籍を明らかにしないのだ!韓国船だからか!怒怒 日本のマスゴミは終わりだな。: 外国船と衝突 愛媛沖で船沈没 – Yahoo!ニュース

愛媛県今治市沖の来島海峡で27日深夜、ケミカル船と衝突した貨物船が沈没した。衝突したのはマーシャル諸島籍のケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」と、東京籍の貨物船「白虎」。白虎は沈没し、乗組員12人のうち3人が行方不明。9人は救助。
— 読み進める






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— 読み進める

💢この売国奴を下ろす方法はないものか: 二階氏、五輪「開催しないお考え聞いてみたいぐらいだ」:朝日新聞デジタル

— 読み進める

⭐️意味付は自分で決める。大晦日でこれ。数はコントロールできることに気づこう。問題はそれがどういう意味かということだ: 全国の感染者4244人に 初の4千人超え|日テレNEWS24

— 読み進める

必読: Parliament sounds alarm over children in Japan taken from EU parents | News | European Parliament

MEPs are concerned over the high number of parental child abduction cases due to the reluctance of Japanese authorities to comply with international law.
— 読み進める

Parliament sounds alarm over children in Japan taken from EU parents

Press Releases




  • Increasing number of unsolved child abduction cases where one parent is an EU national and the other Japanese
  • Japan is not complying with international rules on child protection
  • Shared custody not possible under Japanese law
  • Visiting rights of non-custodial parent limited or non-existent

MEPs are concerned over the high number of parental child abduction cases due to the reluctance of Japanese authorities to comply with international law.

In a resolution adopted on Wednesday with 686 votes in favour, 1 against and 8 abstentions, Parliament expressed its concerns over children’s wellbeing as a result of children in Japan being abducted by a parent. They call on the Japanese authorities to enforce international rules on child protection and to introduce changes to their legal system to allow for shared custody.

Enforcing international law

Parliament regrets that one of the EU’s strategic partners does not appear to be complying with international rules on child abduction. They urge the Japanese authorities to enforce domestic and foreign court decisions on the return of the child and on access and visiting rights after the parents’ relationship has ended, in order to bring their domestic laws in line with their international commitments and obligations.

MEPs underline that safeguarding the child’s best interest must be the primary concern and abduction cases must be handled swiftly to avoid long-term adverse consequences on the child and the future relationship with the non-custodial parent. They point out that under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), every child has the right to maintain a personal relationship and direct contact with both their parents, unless it is contrary to their interests.

Improve cross-border cooperation and information

Due to the cross-border nature of these legal disputes, Parliament insists that all child protection systems have transnational and cross-border mechanisms in place. They propose that in addition to the Hague Conference, citizen-friendly European information platforms should be developed to support parents in cross-border disputes. The text also recommends that reliable information on family law and children’s rights in non-EU countries like Japan should be made available, as well as difficulties that may arise in cases of divorce or separation.

Parliament calls for more international cooperation among member states and with third countries to implement international legislation on child protection. MEPs urge member states to inform citizens about the risk of child abduction in Japan. To further increase pressure on authorities, MEPs urge member states and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs to include the issue on the agenda of all bilateral and multilateral meetings with Japan.

Background information

Parliament has received a significant number of appeals in the past few years on cases of Japanese parental child abduction and visiting rights, where one of the parents is an EU citizen. Petitioners point out that international court decisions in Japan on the return of the child are not being enforced properly, as Japanese law lacks shared custody provisions.

The issue gained international attention in 2019 after German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte spoke with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on behalf of concerned parents. A formal complaint was also launched last year to the UN Human Rights Council by left-behind parents, arguing that Japan was violating the UNCRC and the Hague Convention.


ひとり親はさらに機能しない。拡大家族の認識を広めよう:核家族は既に機能していないという指摘、なぜ核家族は失敗したのか? – GIGAZINE

— 読み進める



第百八十五条  賭と博をした者は、五十万円以下の罰金又は科料に処する。ただし、一時の娯楽に供する物を賭かけたにとどまるときは、この限りでない。
— 読み進める


DV等支援措置を受けるための手続の流れ(例)<相談機関が意見を付す場合>(1)DV等被害者から相談機関(警察、配偶者暴力支援センターなど)に対し、DV等被害の相談、支援措置申出書の提出(2)相談機関において、申出書に相談機関の意見を付して被害者に渡す。(3)DV等被害者から市区町村に対し、相談機関の意見を付した申出書により、支援措置の申出 (4)市区町村において、必要に応じて相談機関に確認した上でDV等被害者に対して支援開始の連絡、関係市区町村への申出書の転送 ※事前に相談機関への相談を行っている場合は、(1)(2)は不要











第七百五十二条 夫婦は同居し、互いに協力し扶助しなければならない。

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